Finding a Qualified Cryptocurrency Expert Witness

Finding a Qualified Cryptocurrency Expert Witness

As cryptocurrency adoption has grown, there has been increasing demand from legal professionals for expert witnesses that are qualified to opine on nuances involving cryptocurrency in court. Yet cryptocurrency is such a new and burgeoning field, which most people,...
Problems Identifying Hidden Cryptocurrency in Divorce

Problems Identifying Hidden Cryptocurrency in Divorce

Cases of spouses choosing to hide assets during a divorce are not a new development but utilizing cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin as a means hiding wealth is. Determining ownership of those cryptocurrency in divorce accurately without missing a large chunk of the...
Identifying and Discovering Cryptocurrency in Divorce

Identifying and Discovering Cryptocurrency in Divorce

As part of the discovery process during many divorce proceedings, it’s relatively common for parties to request and review investment accounts and bank account statements to identify any assets that have not been readily disclosed as required. Even in contentious...